We submit that no other news story garnering headlines presently is as immediately gripping and tragically sad as what we report below in our Kennedy Law Firm blog post for this week.
We are well accustomed at our established client-empowering Albuquerque law firm to hearing harrowing stories from victims abused by sexual predators. All such related experiences are of course heart-rending and cry out for strong responsive legal action that demands accountability and justice.
Children’s narratives are especially alarming (as are those told by adults having the resolve to come forward years after being abused as a child). Criminal actors who commit egregious wrongs against minors and adolescents rely upon their young victims’ vulnerability and willingness to trust.
Right-thinking people everywhere don’t hesitate to call out child sexual abuse as a horrific wrong and to encourage the strongest possible legal action against it.
Here’s a point, though: Despite the efforts of a caring public, the scourge of child sexual abuse — in New Mexico, nationally and across the world – remains a huge and persistent problem.
In fact, empirical evidence underscores that it is an ever-growing concern that has mushroomed to a truly frightening level, especially online. Media accounts now report that, while the number of online images and videos of sexually abused children stood at about one million a decade ago, that number leaped astronomically to 45 million last year.
Action is clearly required, and in a comprehensive way. As noted by commentators, lawmakers need to centrally address the problem and make it a tier-1 concern right now. Online guardians need to immediately exercise real oversight in their monitoring and reporting. More money and resources need to be made available to law enforcers. And abusers need to be spotlighted and dealt with in a way that provides for real punishment and deterrence.
Our deep legal team proudly plays a role in fighting for victims’ rights in this key legal realm. As we note on our website, “we pursue justice for survivors and work to change the systems that allow for widespread sexual abuse.”