Sexual abuse investigation leads to criminal charges

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2021 | Sexual Abuse - Plaintiff

Being subjected to wrongdoing for years can have a significant effect on how a child sees him or herself and how he or she grows up. Unfortunately, too many children in New Mexico and across the country are subjected to sexual abuse that can go on for years because the people committing the abuse are adults who should be caring for those children. On a positive note, many of these abusers are reported to law enforcement, and the children can begin to heal.

It was recently reported that two adults in another state were taken into custody in relation to an abuse case. The juvenile, whose age and gender were not disclosed in the report, indicated that the abuse had gone on for several years. The victim also reportedly asked for the abuse to stop only for it to continue. More recently, the victim apparently confided in another person who then reported the abuse to the police.

Investigators began to look into the situation, and the victim indicated that a 33-year-old man had carried out the majority of the sexual abuse while a 34-year-old woman would sometimes participate. The two adults were taken into custody and are facing charges for second degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor. It was unclear what relation, if any, the adults may have to the victim.

It can be immensely difficult for a victim of sexual abuse to come forward, no matter his or her age. For young children in particular, they may fear getting into trouble themselves or facing other negative repercussions. Fortunately, many victims do reach out for help, and abusers are held accountable for their actions. For New Mexico residents who have survived such harrowing experiences or parents or guardians of juvenile survivors, looking into legal options for seeking justice may be appropriate.

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