There are many health benefits to receiving massage. In some cases, individuals may go to massage therapy at the recommendation of their physician, and others may go of their own accord in efforts to reduce stress and relax. In either case, massage therapists have a duty to act in a professional manner and treat their clients respectfully. Unfortunately, some individuals in this position throw professionalism and decency to the side and use their job to sexually abuse clients.
New Mexico readers may be interested in a recent situation in another state that has resulted in two massage therapists having their licenses suspended. The emergency suspensions were issued after two women came forward regarding sexual abuse at the hands of the therapists. Now, the therapists must wait to attend formal hearings regarding the allegations.
Both women accused the massage therapists of inappropriate actions including the following:
- One woman indicated the therapist touched her breasts.
- The same woman stated the therapist sexually penetrated her.
- The other woman indicated that the therapist touched her genitals.
Though the therapists currently cannot work due to being under administrative review and having their licenses suspended, additional action may be warranted. In fact, when professionals in any industry sexually abuse clients, the victims may wish to consider their legal options. Holding abusers accountable could help bring them a greater sense of justice regarding the ordeal. Of course, each case is different, and if New Mexico residents have faced similar violations of their person, they may wish to discuss their possible options with experienced and compassionate legal professionals.