How Sexual Trauma Might Affect One’s Brain

On Behalf of | Jun 29, 2022 | Sexual Abuse - Plaintiff

Virtually any type of traumatic experience could impact a person’s life in various ways, and finding ways to heal might not always be so simple a task. Sexual abuse is a common example of a type of event that could create various challenges for victims in New Mexico. Studies indicate that sexual trauma could prompt biological changes in a person’s brain, and these changes could experience numerous types of symptoms. 

Biological changes 

Studies indicate that a traumatic life experience could cause one’s brain to undergo various changes. Two common parts of the brain that may be affected could involve the Amygdala and the Hippocampus. Changes to the Amygdala could lead to heightened fear of threats to one’s safety, while changes to the Hippocampus could cause a person to struggle to move past harmful events. 

According to studies, those who experience similar challenges after suffering sexual abuse may be more prone to suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Similar issues could increase one’s likelihood of developing mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression. Studies state that it might not be uncommon for victims of abuse to struggle with feelings of shame or feel that they were in some way to blame for what happened. 


There may be few things in life as stressful and harrowing as being a victim of sexual abuse. Individuals in New Mexico who encounter such a traumatic experience and find it difficult to confront the situation could consider speaking with an attorney for guidance on how best to approach the situation. While there may be nothing that can change what took place, an attorney can help a client attempt to begin the healing process by helping guide him or her through every stage of the subsequent process. 

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