How Third Parties Can Be Held Responsible For Sexual Abuse

At Kennedy Law Firm in Albuquerque, our lawyers are committed to empowering survivors of sexual abuse as well as the families of victims. We understand that it is difficult to know where to turn or who can be held responsible for the harm that’s been done. With over 75 years of combined experience, we take a strong approach to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Pursuing Justice Against All Responsible Entities

Abusers in New Mexico tend to have a history of causing harm that police and others are aware of, or should be aware of. When an abuser is placed in a position where they can hurt others, in many instances the third party can be held responsible in a civil case.

These cases can involve a broad range of agencies, including:

  • Schools
  • Group homes
  • Residential treatment facilities
  • Nursing homes
  • Municipalities

In these cases, a survivor of sexual abuse can pursue legal action against both the perpetrator and the agency or organization who put the abuser in a position where they could commit a sexual crime. For example, if a school fails to properly screen an applicant to ensure they did not have a history of violence or sexual abuse and that applicant harms a student, the school could be sued as a third party.

Contact Our Firm In Albuquerque

If you or a loved one have been sexually abused, we’re here to listen. We can help you determine if a third party can be held responsible. Send us an email or call 505-431-2167 to schedule a free consultation with an attorney.