Young children often find themselves in situations that are controlled by the adults around them. Unfortunately, some children do not have loving and trustworthy adults around. In fact, the adults that are supposed to be caring for those children could commit acts of sexual abuse that leave lasting emotional pain for the victims.
New Mexico readers may be interested in a current case in another state that is addressing abuse that occurred at an orphanage approximately 50 years ago. According to reports, the lawsuit resulted due to the Safe Child Act that was passed in the state last year. The law opened a two-year time period permitting adults who survived childhood sexual abuse to pursue justice against their abusers in civil court despite previous statutes of limitations having passed.
One individual who lived in the orphanage in the 1960s stated that he endured abuse for years and never spoke about it because it happened at the hands of the adults who should have been caring for him. He also stated that the abuse caused him to experience difficulties even as an adult. He hopes that taking this action will allow him to finally begin healing. The report indicated that so far four survivors of abuse at the orphanage have come forward in this case.
Childhood sexual abuse can have lasting effects on survivors, and as this case shows, it can sometimes take decades before a person can begin true healing, in some cases by seeking justice through legal means. If New Mexico residents of any age have suffered such abuse as the hands of their caretakers in any capacity, they may have reason to look into their legal options. Though discussing their trauma can certainly be difficult, having support and guidance during this time may help.